go big
abstract expressionist workshop
In just a few steps ……you’ll overcome your reluctance to #taketimetomake
I will be focusing on overcoming the problems keeping us from art making. I will share my personal exercises and practices that I have used to get out of creative block and to get started making again.
Mixed media abstract painting is the most freeing and expressive painting technique that I have found. Over the past 6+ years I have developed my own style, learned so much about myself and materials and had the pleasure of selling my work to collectors all over the world.
In this class, I will be guiding you through the early perfectionist struggles that we have, when getting back into the studio. You will have the chance to experiment with my own style. This one time only.
By the end of our short workshop, you will lose a bit of that inner critic and let go in your art making practice. you will have the tools to live out your artistic desires. I will be touching on composition and art theory as well as sharing ways in which I practice expression, play and experimentation in abstract painting.
I will share my process and story about how I was able to take time to make things I have been wanting to make for a long time. Starting out, or getting back into an art making is a tough phase for a budding artist.
“Du hast mit affirmationen und Atemübungen angefangen. Ich habe direkt angefangen zu weinen. Aus Dankbarkeit zu mir und dir. Das war der erste schöne Moment. Danach fand ich es sehr interessant was du über die Elemente erzählt hast. Es hat so gut getan mal wieder zu malen.
Insgesamt war es ein perfekter Workshop. Ein Einblick in Materialien und Herangehensweisen und nicht zu lang. Jetzt hab ich einen Anfang. Werde die Techniken versuchen in meine eigene Bilder zu transformieren. Ich danke dir dafür!!”
“You started with affirmations and breathing exercises. I started crying right away. Out of gratitude to me and you. That was the first beautiful moment. After that I found it very interesting what you said about the elements. It felt so good to paint again.
Overall it was a perfect workshop. An insight into materials and approaches and not too long. Now I have a start. I will try to transform the techniques into my own pictures. I thank you!! ”
Who is this for?
If you want to make art and let go a bit in life and in your art this is for you.
I want to make art again, but are struggling to know where to get started.
All the fears that flood in to my brain just before making art. “I’m not an artist.” “The work I make isn’t going to be good anyway.” “What’s the use of painting and making art?” “I don’t have time to make art.” “I don’t have space to make art.”
Life’s too short… dive into a creative desire you have and take your curiosity seriously.
There is no experience necessary for you to have success and fun in this e-workshop. No matter whether you studied art, have not made anything since grade school, and even (especially) if you hated art class, this course is for you. As long as you have a strong desire to make and creatively play, this is the right workshop for you.
At art shows and on instagram, I get questions like…
“How do you start a work? What keeps you going back into the studio? Where do you get your ideas? How did you make this? How do you know when you are done with a piece? How do you fight perfectionism?”
I am going to answer all these questions…
I’m not an artist, I can’t paint, or draw
This was me, growing up, and this may be you. You have a strong desire to paint but you haven’t had much success, or you fear you may fail.
Some of your pieces may turn out to be shit, but you can’t make the good stuff without making the shit also.
I don’t have any space to make art
All you need is a table top, or about 2 square meters.
Can you find two square meters?
A dining room table, a bike shed, a public park? pssst… this has been me. I began painting large, large for me, in part of our living room back in 2014. My first “studio” for an at home art residency.
I don’t have time
I know you and I are busy, work, family, facebook, and netflix.
We are busy, busy, busy.
But, that is all the more reason to reclaim some of that time for you.
Take this 1.5 over on a weekend or weeknight for you and your creativity. 😘
You deserve it!
set up:
-1.5 hours of live video straight from my studio.
-Recorded: The workshop was recorded live to tune in at your leisure from your own art making space.
large pieces of paper or fabric/canvas to paint on. At least 2. 3-5 is good.
acrylic paints: primary colors: yellow, red, blue, plus black and white.
Brushes, rags, and mixing jars.
optional supplies for creative exercises:
some assorted mixed media materials… oil or chalk pastels, a few favorite colors of spray paint
collage materials: maps, photographs, magazines, etc…
gel medium
any size brushes, if you want to work big get big ones, if you want to work small, small…
sketchbook/journal to take inspiring notes.
not all materials are necessary to begin. Sign up and get materials as desired.
Feel free to register at anytime
There is one video lesson included in this workshop.
A high speed internet connection is recommended.
Content can be accessed from most digital devices with recent updates.
YOU WILL HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS once you register and the workshop goes live.
*Once you purchase, you will receive a purchase confirmation and an additional email with the login details and access to your workshop. Upon purchase you will have unlimited access to the workshop materials, so you can work at your own pace, from your own space.
This course would make a great gift for an artsy friend or family member, or for someone who just needs a bit of creativity and color in their lives.
“Be bad until you’re good, and good until you’re great. ”