Shop Etchings

Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge Supple Surge
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Supple Surge
Ripe Rise
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Ripe Rise



Nature in and around me as my muse. Supple Surge and Ripe Rise join the LUSH Collection in etching form.

Their hopeful and vivacious motives. The lively natural colors. Floral, faunal and nautical tones and movement.

The work speaks of life abundant.


Ripe Rise and Supple Surge accompany my Lush collection this time in intaglio printmaking method.

They are each an edition of 30 pieces. 15 available via my studio and 15 to the printmaking studio that made these fine art etchings into being. They are made using a printing press, printing two plates of etched in color-marks by the artist. Anna Baer worked in collaboration with C.A.P. Studios in Chiang Mai, Thailand. working together with Kitikong Tilokwattanotai and master printers Sirapop Wangsorn and Yuttana Sittikan.

Ripe Rise + Supple Surge
33x50cm image
50x70cm paper
Printers Sirapop Wangsorn, Yuttana Sittikan

Each work is sold with the frame. Shipping internationally is available. Please proceed to checkout to pay for shipping.

*Attention LIMITED quantity. There are only 15 available of each work. There will be no more printed.

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the making of these prints from start to finish


Supple Surge
Ripe Rise

These two brand new artworks created in collaboration with C.A.P. Studio in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The artist marked the plates and chose the colors and compositions the studio inked, burnished and printed the edition. It was a beautiful collaboration.

Thanks for collecting my work

loving greetings,
