art coaching


It all started when…

2016, It was a ‘high risk pregnancy,’ I wasn’t allowed to teach art anymore so I decided to make my own work again, it had been 6 years since studying art at uni and to be honest I hadn’t made a damn thing for my self since. I decided to see this pregnancy and early childhood years as my chance to find my voice as an artist and take a shot at financing my art practice with art sales. Yikes!


2022, I have my latest body of work, SOFT AF, hanging in 4 locations in Heidelberg. The show is sold out as my last 4 shows have been and I have been supporting my family with my art sales for 8 months straight despite pandemic and homemaking 50%. I honestly can’t believe this is possible.

Taking up space, investing time and money into me and my work is scary and hard but oh so worth it!!! Focusing on the next step or mark, as I do when painting, I have been able to keep making beautiful work and growing success as an artist. It’s by no means an overnight thing.

It is showing up for myself, taking time to make, and investing in my studio time and time again. I am learning to trust that inspiration and support will show up if I do. And actually also even when I show up to rest and lean into my softness.

My art coaching with Anna was incredible! She is so warm and welcoming, that I immediately opened up about my ideas and struggles. It was so interesting to learn from her and get a peek into her studio and practice!

She was prepared to coach and guide me with her knowledge, but also with questions to help find my way. It was such an enriching and inspiring experience! The only problem: it was way too short. I highly recommend it - what a lasting and fun investment into my own art! Thank you, Anna!
— Sabrina Hoffman

Art Coaching sessions


half day studio session

45min 1 on 1 zoom session

Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit beim Workshop mit Anna. Es war sehr spannend Einblick in ihre künstlerische Arbeit un ihren Werdegang zu bekommen und sich auch selbst im Atelier ausprobieren zu können. Ein eindrückliches und besonderes Erlebnis. ❤️ Vielen Dank.

We had a great time at the workshop with Anna. It was very exciting to get an insight into her artistic work and her career and to be able to try things out in the studio. An impressive and special experience. ❤️ Thank you.
— Friede und Clara
Vielen Dank für diesen wunderbaren Workshop!
Der Beginn im Café zum Kennenlernen hat eine wunderbare Grundlage für den Tag geschaffen. Ich habe die anschließende Zeit im Atelier sehr genossen, die interessanten Gespräche über Kunst und den Schaffensprozess, das Lernen neuer Techniken und natürlich das Highlight, das selbst Kreativ werden! Ich habe eine neue Richtung für meinen künstlerischen Prozess gefunden, Danke dir!

Thank you for this wonderful workshop!
The start in the café to get to know each other created a wonderful basis for the day. I really enjoyed the time in the studio that followed, the interesting conversations about art and the creative process, learning new techniques and of course the highlight, being creative yourself! I have found a new direction for my artistic process, thank you!
— Laura

Apply here

So pleased to be in touch and to welcome you into the studio.

There are 5 spots left for in my 2022 spring session. If you would like one please be in touch asap. 🌻

Loving greetings,

Anna Baer

If you aren’t in HEidelberg

consider joining me in my self-directed online artist residency #TakeTimeToMake, over 5 days or two weekends.