Artist Residency - Berlin Art Institute

In September and October, I had the pleasure of attending Berlin Art Institute for a month long artist residency and it was a wonderful opportunity to get to know other working artists and to have a great space to work in the bustling city of Berlin.

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,
The studios are in this industrial area of Berlin called Weissensee. 

There was a good balance of structure and no structure at this artist residency. The well lit studio spaces were open for use 24 hours a day.  3 days a week Ralf Schmidt and Stephanie Jünemann (the founders and directors of the artist residency) planned insightful museum visits, workshops, guest lectures and group critiques.

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,
I slept in our van during the month long artist residency, because I couldn't afford renting a room and the residency fees.  I parked the van pretty much right across from the institute. It was great to live so close to my studio, because it meant I made the most of the space and was in there working most of every day I was in berlin.

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin, Vanlife,

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,
We visited a moving show by Gülsün Karamustafa called Chronographia, at the Hamburgerbahnhof which was a highlight. And I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with other working artists such as Raphael JaenCarolina Amaya, Brandy Eve Allen, Wyatt Mills and Matt Ross.

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,

Being at the Berlin Art Institute Artist Residency really wet my lips to do more artist residencies. It's such a wonderful opportunity to get to know a city, make work in a new space, and connect with other working artists. My husband Dominik and I are hoping to spend some time at other artist residencies around the world in our lifetime. Dominik a prolific musician and I am an artist so residencies could be great fits for us, if we can make enough money to fund our practices. I've applied to one in Barcelona, we'll see if they want me and we can make it work.

Artist Residency, Artist Studio, artist talk, berlin,

Thanks for reading lovelies!
