This is a major limiting belief that I have carried with me the past 10 years, or maybe lifetime.
I cannot be a brilliant and prolific artist as well as an attentive and nurturing mother.
My career as an artist began, with motherhood. Before this, I taught art for 5 years, ran an online vintage shop, and lead creative workshops. But not until 3 years ago, while pregnant with Vigo, did I start painting for me and selling my work.
Upon becoming a mother I became an ‘real’ artist.
I don’t yet know where this belief came from, I may have to seek counselling on the subject. There is a pressure for mothers in general to always be present with their children. To be there for them all the time. There is also a strong natural inclination to do so.
But as a working mama, who wants to thrive at my job and passion and in motherhood, I consistently am confronted with this self doubt about whether I am falling short in both respects.
“I cannot,'“ is just not true. Now, I have decided that I can…
What could this look like, what could being a great mom and a great artist look like? This is what I began imagining…
-I take chunks of time in the studio to perfect my craft and build a body of work. Ideally at least 3 days a week. Sharing the childcare time with my husband Dominik.
-I make beautiful work that is unique to me, that speaks to and moves people. That adds beauty to this life and (at times) bleak world.
-I make a good living as a visual artist, I could do what I love and support my family. We could be flexible and free in our lifestyle and I could be making and selling art to pay all our expenses.
-I want to be WITH my children. Enjoying and delighting in them when we spend time together.
-My children (1 child so far) are so beautiful and fun. I want to savour my time with them, especially when they are so small, cuddly and their brains are making millions of new connections a day.
-Let go of MOM GUILT and know that I am most happy when I am both working in the studio and spending time with my babies. If I were a full-time stay-at-home-mama, I would be pretty miserable. A happy, healthy, and balanced mama is of great benefit to my offspring. A miserable and overwhelmed mama who is around all the time, would not be best for their little hearts’ and brains’ maturity.
I am so grateful to share the parenting role 50/50 with my husband. This has freed me up to really take time with my son Vigo as well as put in good and consistent hours in my studio and art career. What a dream scenario.
My limiting belief is being dismounted and a few of my goals for this coming year are to…
Be present and active with my boys (yes we are having another boy.)
Take time to make, prioritise my studio practice.
Wish me luck! I’ve been practicing this the past two years, with Vigo, but I am so excited and delighted to add a new baby to our lives and see how we can make this work, while having two small children in our home and lives.
What is a limiting belief that you believe? Imagine the possibilities if this were possible. What would it look like? It is possible.
Decide that you can.
Thanks for reading lovelies.